Draw your Signature:
Evaluation or Unlicensed Web Signature Server Control.
Evaluation version can only be run at http://localhost
website.You can buy a license from http://www.realsignature.com
Useful information for you. Domain name:;Server name: iisomegawgrp02;Server MAC address: 00155df07a07
This Acknowledgement is to let you know that by submitting an electronic signature image, you are providing an electronic mark that is held to the same standard as a legally binding equivalent of a handwritten signature provided by you.
By entering and saving this signature image, I agree that my electronic signature image is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature. Whenever I execute an electronic signature image, it has the same validity and meaning as my handwritten signature. I will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of my electronic signature image or claim that my electronic signature image is not legally binding.
I also understand, acknowledge, agree and certify that: I accept my responsibilities in the use of electronic signatures as described on this form. My execution of any form of an electronic signature function performed on a Company computer system is the legally binding equivalent of my traditional handwritten signature, and that I am accountable and responsible for actions performed under such an electronic signature.